I n 1984, Divine Mission Church was founded and pastored by Sarah Adams. After much Prayer and being led by the Holy Spirit, on February 26th, 1984, at Milton Valley Elementary School, Divine Mission Church held it's first worship service with over 300 people in attendance, including the orginal fourteen (14) Charter Members. Jesus is the Rock , the chief cornerstone of Divine Mission Church. The Leader of Divine Mission Church was grounded in the Work of God because she knew that the fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much and she understood Mathew 16:18, "Upon this Rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Divine Mission Church began having worship services at The Thurgood Marshal Junior High School in Camp Springs, Maryland. In 1987, the church was blessed to purchase a building on Temple Hills Road, Maryland.

Unfortunately, in 1992 the church was a victim of a hate crime and the building was detroyed by fire. Divine Mission Church returned to the The Thurgood Marshal Junior High School and began having worship services there until relocating in January 2010 to 5203 Manchester Drive, Temple Hills, Maryland. After much change and relocation in 2015, Divine Mission Church is proudly located at 1 51st Steet SE Washington, DC 20019. Under the pastorship of Sarah Adams there have been five (5) Evangelists ordained. Three Churches came from Divine Mission Church. Sarah Adams Served as pastor of Divine Mission Church for Sixteeen (16) Years. In 2000, one of the Evangelists, Mi'guel Adams M.A., became the pastor. Mi'guel Adams M.A. has been pastor of Divine Mission Church for Fifteen (15) years.

Divine Mission Church is a ministry founded on the biblical principles that salvation is founded in Jesus Christ. During the past twenty-seven (27) years, Divine Mission Church's Ministries have continued to grow. We put pride and pray in time into the ongoing change and time for growth within our many ministries. Divine Mission Church has a yearly Christmas Banquet for it's members, friends and visitors. Divine Mission Church began The Miracle Jar Seed Offering in which many praise testimonies have been given of blessings received from the seed of faith planted in the jar. Divine Mission Church's objective is to reach out to those that are spiritually lost and to be the voice and the hand that encourages people to chnage their lives with hope, comfort and peace.

Divine Mission Church salutes the Mother of the Church, Julia Jackson for eleven (11) years of dedicated service. Mother Jackson is a strong woman of God and precious jewel to Divine Mission Church. The longest family membership is the Adams Family. A family legacy that started Divine Mission Church. This legacy is still being carried with childeren, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the Adams family.

Divine Mission Church will continue to keep God as the head of the church to achieve or spiritual goals as we press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Divine Mission Church is very thankful for those deceased members that worked and prayed for spiritual growth of Divine Mission Church. Their Memories wil be with us forever . The oldest membership holders are Overseer Sarah Adams, Brother James D. Adams, Pastor Mi'guel Adams M.A., Sister Jacqueline Adams-Joyner, Trustee Ned Dove and Sister Robin Dove- Each with 31 years of service.

Divine Mission Church is blessed and highly favored by God- Blessed with good members, obedient children, God-fearing families and especially those members that have moved away but still consider Divine Mission Church their home church. By the grace of God, Divine Mission Church will stand years to come as it has stood in these 31 years as a living monument of a savior who died that all men might live. For we know.... "that all things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28)."
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